
The importance of lead generation in your franchise

Lead generation is the process of making new contacts which may lead to a sale or other favorable outcome.

Lead generation is the blood source of your business or franchise. Cut it off and your business will inevitably start to fade away and will eventually come to an end. It is imperative that throughout the journey of your business venture you proactively and consciously generate new business. It’s what we focus on here at Jasper’s Catering Franchise.

You get new business ideas by knowing your target audience and marketing to them in order to stir up enough interest for new prospects to approach you in regards to what you are selling.

The leads can come from various sources for example online advertising, search engine marketing, through personal referrals, through telephone calls either by the company or external telemarketers, through print advertisements and articles, events and purchased lists of potential customers. At Jasper’s Catering Franchise we use a combination of all of these to maximize the number of routes to new business.

It is recommended that in order to generate a decent amount of leads you use all of the above to some extent, and that you do so regularly and consistently. The more routes you take in order to generate interest in your business or franchise, the more leads will come back to you.